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An Unpredictable X Factor In Argentinas Presidential Race

Argentina Elects Far-Right Outsider Javier Milei as President

An Unpredictable X-Factor in Argentina's Presidential Race

Who is Javier Milei, Argentina's President-Elect?

BUENOS AIRES, Nov 20 (Reuters) - Argentina has elected radical libertarian Javier Milei as president in a run-off election, upending the country's political landscape and introducing a new era of uncertainty.

Milei, a 53-year-old economist and former congressman, won the election on Sunday, wresting control of the country from the ruling Peronist party, which has dominated Argentine politics for decades.

Milei's victory marks a significant shift in Argentina's political landscape. His far-right views, which include a commitment to free markets, limited government, and individual liberty, have drawn comparisons to former US President Donald Trump and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.

Milei's election is also seen as a sign of growing frustration with the country's economic stagnation and political gridlock. Argentina has been mired in economic crisis for years, with high inflation, unemployment, and poverty rates. The traditional political parties have been unable to address these issues, leading to a search for alternatives.

Milei's victory is likely to have a significant impact on Argentina's domestic and foreign policies. He has pledged to reduce government spending, privatize state-owned industries, and deregulate the economy. He has also expressed skepticism about international organizations and free trade agreements.

It remains to be seen how Milei will govern as president. He has a history of making controversial statements and his economic policies are considered untested. However, his election is a clear indication that Argentina is looking for a change.
