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A Groundbreaking New Approach To Bridging The Gap Between The Connected And Unconnected

How We Can Eradicate the Digital Divide once and For All

A groundbreaking new approach to bridging the gap between the connected and unconnected

In the 21st century, access to the internet is essential for full participation in society. Yet, for millions of people around the world, the internet remains out of reach. This digital divide is a major barrier to progress, and it is only getting worse.

But there is hope. A new approach to bridging the digital divide is emerging, and it has the potential to change everything. This approach is based on the idea of community-owned and operated networks.

Community networks are built and maintained by the people who use them. This means that they are tailored to the specific needs of the community, and they can be deployed quickly and cheaply. Community networks are also sustainable, because they are not dependent on outside funding.

The potential of community networks is enormous. They can provide affordable internet access to underserved communities, they can create jobs, and they can help to improve education and healthcare. Community networks can also be used to promote social inclusion and to empower local communities.

The digital divide is a serious problem, but it is not insurmountable. With community networks, we can connect the unconnected and create a more just and equitable world.
